Tips to Get a Job with No Prior Experience in That Field

Whether you just graduated from college or are making a total career change, trying to get a job with no relevant experience can be tough. Fortunately, even in a competitive job market, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of landing a position in the field you want. Here are some tips. 


Review Your Experience 

You may not have direct experience in your chosen field, but you may have experiences in your background that could show your ability to do the work. Did you ever build sets for a play or help remodel your parents’ house? Those things show mechanical abilities, as well as hands-on experience with tools. Did you plan your sister’s wedding or put together a fundraising dinner for a club in college? That’s event planning experience. Look through the core competencies for the position you want, and then figure out what you’ve done that shows you have those competencies. 


Move Laterally 

If you’re changing fields, you may be able to make a lateral move that can serve as a stepping stone to the job you want. If you’re a mechanic who wants to be an event planner, look for an opportunity to build stages and put up backdrops. Getting your foot in the door at the right company puts you in contact with the people who can help you transition to the job you actually want. 


Focus on Your Soft Skills 

You may not meet all the technical requirements for a specific position, but soft skills are highly valued by many companies. If you can use your resume to show that you’re a great leader or have excellent people skills, or are a top-notch organizer, you may be able to leverage those skills to get into the field you want. 


Lower Your Expectations 

You may not be able to get your dream job, at standard industry rates, on a full-time basis, right away. But what can you do? Volunteering in the relevant field, working part-time at a reduced rate, or taking another job at the company while shadowing those in the job you want are all possible paths. Be willing to be flexible, and you may be surprised what you can achieve. 


Ready for a New Role? 

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, OneSource Staffing is here for you. To learn how we can assist you with finding your next position in Port Jervis, NY, visit our job board today. 

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