Snow Day or Work Day?

As we move through this cold Winter, snow days are going to be inevitable. Knowing how to balance your safety with your employer’s requirements can be a challenge. Should you call off your shift and stay safe at home or brave the elements to show you’re a dedicated employee?

Here’s a few tips to help you make this decision next time we get a big snowstorm.

Know the Snow Day Policy

Every employer is going to handle snow days differently. Some may close entirely while others may still expect their employees to come in. Knowing this beforehand is essential. Ask your supervisor what you’re expected to do in the case of bad roads. More often than not, they’ll give you some sort of direction for this hypothetical situation. If you know ahead of time, you’ll be better prepared when the flakes start to fall.

Don’t Throw the Day Away

If you work at 6am but the road crews don’t come down your road until 7am, maybe it’s best to be an hour or two late to work rather than call off the entire day. Talk to your supervisor throughout the morning and see if they’d like for you to come in late instead of missing the whole day. Chances are, they’ll be thankful for your dedication and appreciate some work rather than none. Is there anything you can do to help from the safety of your own home? It never hurts to ask.


Finally, the most important thing of all – communicate. Don’t assume that your supervisor is going to see the snowy roads and just assume you’re going to stay in bed. If you wake up at 5:30am and look out to see your car buried under a foot of snow, contact your supervisor at 5:30am. Keeping in touch as the day progresses will ensure that all parties are aware of what is going on.

Ultimately, the most important thing is your safety. Communicate with your supervisor and see what they would like for you to do – the decision is ultimately yours, however. If you’re working with an agency, make sure to keep in contact with them as well.

If you’re looking for a job a little bit closer to home to get away from that long, snowy commute, check out the opportunities we have in YOUR area by visiting our Job Board.

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