The Charity Closet That Empowers Job Seekers & The Community

The Charity Closet That Empowers Job Seekers & The Community

OneSource continues to look for ways to be involved and provide more value to our communities. The team at our Allentown location saw a need for their job seekers and community members and jumped into action. Starting off with donations only from the team, they started a charity donation closet in office to support those in need with finding clothing and other like items. As it has grown, word has spread and donations from many different people have come in as well as more than just job applicants but many families and friends in the area in need of clothing, shoes, etc.

The impact of this charity closet goes far beyond the material. The team members who run it understand the challenges faced by job seekers and those beyond in the community and they go the extra mile to create a supportive and encouraging environment.

Breaking Down Barriers to Employment

Charity closets play a crucial role in addressing the financial barriers that often prevent people from accessing attire. By providing free clothing, OneSource can make sure these needs are met. Something as small as well fitting, free clothing to those in need makes all the difference.

Looking Ahead: A Model for Empowerment

The success of the closet is a testament to the power of community and compassion. It offers a tangible way to support individuals on their path to financial stability and personal growth. If you’re

interested in getting involved, here are a few ways you can help:

  • Donate gently used every day or professional clothing and accessories.
  • Spread the word about this valuable resource.
  • If you are donating please visit us during these days/times or contact us for a pick up!

THE CLOSET IS OPEN FROM 9A-12PM MONDAY – THURSDAY in our Allentown office.


We at OneSource continue to looks for ways we can provide different avenues of value

 to our communities. We look forward to 2024 and all that it brings!



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