Should You Tell Your Boss If You’re Applying Somewhere Else?

If you’re in the market for a new job, you might wonder whether to tell your boss. Like so much else in life, the answer is, “it depends.” Here are some things to think about when deciding what to do. 


Your Relationship 

The biggest thing to consider is your existing relationship with your boss. Is she supportive? Are you friendly outside of work? If so, your boss might appreciate the heads up. She might even help you find a position that’s a better fit, especially if you’re leaving because you’ve outgrown your current role. 

If your relationship is difficult, though, you might want to wait until you have a solid offer elsewhere. Some bosses will take your decision personally. Some will even try to fire you before you can quit. If you’re in a toxic situation, bite your tongue and get out as fast as possible. 


Your Goals 

Are you committed to leaving the company? Would you be interested in staying in the same role with better pay and more responsibilities? Is there another role in the organization that interests you? If you’re open to possibilities within your current company, it only makes sense to let your boss know that you’re no longer happy in your existing position. 


Your Needs 

If you’re going for a highly competitive new position, especially in a field that’s not identical to where you are now, a strong recommendation from your current boss could make the difference in getting the job. If you believe your supervisor is open to helping you out, let him know as soon as possible that you’re job hunting and what you need from him. 

Whether to tell your boss about your job hunt or keep it under wraps is an extremely personal decision that only you can make. Whatever you do, though, don’t let your supervisor find out accidentally. If you haven’t shared your plan with her, don’t post it on social media or take calls from potential employers on company time. Whatever type of boss you have, learning of your job hunt this way will only cause hurt feelings and damage your professional reputation. 


In the Market for a New Job? 

If you’re looking for a new job, it helps to have someone by your side. To learn how OneSource Staffing can help you find your next position in Middletown, NY, take a look at our job board and then join us today. 

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