5 Tips for Career Advancement

Advancing in your career isn’t something that happens on its own. It’s a lifelong process that requires you to actively seek out and pursue opportunities. Follow these five tips to stop stalling and start climbing the professional ladder.

Set Your Own Goals

Your department probably has an established set of goals for project completion, workplace productivity, and corporate culture. While working towards these goals can be fulfilling and important, it’s important you make time to set personal career goals too.

By brainstorming short-term and long-term career goals beyond the ones your employer sets for your team, you can become an active participant in your own career development.

Make a Plan

Designing a plan is necessary in order to transform your goals into actions.

Build a rough timeline of when you’d like to accomplish your goals. This is a good opportunity to ensure the goals you’re setting are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

Seek Training

If your company offers professional development opportunities, take advantage of them. Learning new skills makes you a more versatile employee, an asset to your employer, and an in-demand employee within your field.

In addition to formal training, look for everyday opportunities to learn new skills from your boss and coworkers. Don’t be afraid to ask questions like “How do you do that?” or “Can you show me how that works?”

Build Bridges

Networking is essential for expanding your job horizons. Make an effort to get to know people in your industry, both within and outside your current workplace.

You can find opportunities to meet people outside your company at business conferences, community outreach events, and local organizations or social groups for professionals.

Say Yes More

It can be daunting to take on new roles and responsibilities, especially if you don’t have much leadership experience.

Overcome those worries and challenge yourself by saying yes when you’re given the chance to work on something new.

Ready for a New Role?

If you’re looking for a new position, OneSource Staffing is here to help. To find out how we can assist you with finding your next job in Port Jervis, NY, visit our job board today.

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